It's time to celebrate our love of sewing … September is National Sewing Month
Did you know that September is National Sewing Month?
I didn't realise until recently that this was a thing so I did a little research and apparently September was declared as National Sewing month back in 1982 by Ronald Reagan “In recognition of the importance of home sewing to our nation”. (OK, so its probably an American celebration but that doesn't mean we can't join in too).

Now, for me, any month is a sewing month and I am sure that is the case for many people all over the world but I am all for a month “celebrating” the joy and importance of home sewing. For many people it is a hobby, a way to unwind after a busy day or an opportunity to craft with their family, for others it is their business be that garment construction, toy making, millinery, – the options are endless.
Social media has enabled us as a community to share ideas, to show finished products and to market our businesses. For me, and Sew Ab Fab, I love to be tagged in a post showing the finished makes of one of our boxes but I also love seeing people starting out on their sewing journey and celebrating their makes and achievements. With sewing, regardless of whether you share on social media or not, you can become part of a community – going into your local sewing shops for supplies and chatting to the owner to get her advice or share tips, searching the internet for pattern inspiration or helpful how to videos, attending a sewing class or sewing meet up – there are so many people in the world who sew and you instantly become part of this wider community.
In 2005 the Home Sewing Association promoted the resurgence of the celebration of the National Sewing month with a huge advertising campaign. They promoted sewing as “the alternative yoga” - I love this idea. Sewing can be so therapeutic – it enables you to focus your mind on something creative, to reduce stress and calm the mind. We all know that sewing has many benefits. Learning at a young age can add to the creativity of children's mind but starting at any age you can reap the benefits.
Part of the ethos of Sew Ab Fab is to create a staple wardrobe full of classic pieces with an added edge. By creating your own wardrobe you are less likely to throw away your clothing – you cherish an item you have made especially as it is made to your measurements so fits perfectly. We also hold sewing and craft classes to encourage more people to become creative and build on their knowledge and so often people tell us that they sew or craft to help them relax. The world is a crazy place at times, we all have our own worries and concerns and it is fabulous that sewing in its many varied forms can create an outlet for our stress. One day I will be making garments, testing out patterns for our kits, another day I may be doing some embroidery or crochet, another I may be making some alterations – all these take my mind of anything else going on – I have to focus on the task in front of me and by doing so my mind becomes calmer.
I say every month should be a sewing month, and sewing should be available on prescription to reduce stress and anxiety, the joy that is felt when you make something yourself, when you finish with that last stitch is such a thrill – who wouldn't want that natural endorphin rush all year round.!!Lets join together to celebrate our passion and joy in all things sewing related, in September and all through the year!.